Sunday, October 23, 2022

Sunday 23 October 2022

 So.  It looks like conservatives might win The House and maybe The Senate in November.  In the past that sort of thing didn't ultimately mean much.

But assuming that they will try to address the problems created by the radical left, I hope that they understand one of the traps set by that radical left - in particular the issue of out-of-control crime.  The trap is that, whatever is attempted to address the crisis, it will be portrayed as "authoritian crackdown".  Arrest shoplifters?  CRACKDOWN.  Move homeless encampments?  OPRESSION.  Protect parents speaking at parent/teacher meetings?  CONSPIRACY.  Protect girls from naked boys in locker rooms? INSANITY...

I wish I could see something funny in all this.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Saturday 6 August 2022

For 10 years before the beginning of the Civil War in 1861, Kansas fought pro-slavery factions coming in from Missouri in order to prevent slavery in Kansas ("Bleeding Kansas"). Kansas won that war and entered the Union as a free state. This last week Kansas fought a similiar battle - This time to protect another marginalized helpless group - the unborn. Outside interests spent millions to defend the killing of babies. Kansas lost the battle, but there will be others. In a successful abortion, at least one human being is killed. The liberals must be proud of themselves. I suggest a T shirt for them: 

  I demand the right to keep slaves kill babies